Precious mem'ries,
how they linger
How they ever love my soul
In the stillness, of the midnight
Sacred secrets will unfold
to the biography of the owner, Donald H. Gabor, and biographies,
profiles and discographies of producers, musicians, conductors,
orchestras, artists/designers, and critics are listed in the column
at left.
site was first begun in 1999 and published in its basic structure
and concept which is maintained up to this day.
It is aboutREMINGTON RECORDS, the various artists who recorded
for it, the uniqueness of the label, it is about its owner and producer
tells about the other labels he created.
The site is updated and extended when eventually more details do become
available. Links will be added and activated in time.
REMINGTON SITE contains historical documentation and is intended
for educational and informational use only.
Images on these pages were created from the covers of recordings,
material in my personal collection (magazines, program notes,
booking ads, brochures and articles), and from material submitted
to me by artists themselves and contributors.
biographical and historical data of artists, producers and other
people involved are compiled from liner notes of a specific lp,
old encyclopedia, magazines, books and many other sources. Various
details have also been submitted by the artists themselves or their
relatives, and/or several contributors. Data about releases are
taken from old editions of a variety of catalogs, advertisements,
booking ads, reviews in record magazines, all in my personal collection.
All rights (if not expired) are reserved, and remain with the various
copyright owners, including myself.
may view these pages for personal and/or academic use only.
Copying and multiplying the contents in part or as a whole by means
of photocopy, print and/or proliferating it by means of electronic
carriers and/or via electronic media, without the written consent
of Rudolf A. Bruil, owner and publisher of this website, is prohibited
by international copyright law.
No financial gain can be made from the contents of this site by third
Angus (USA)
Ryan Barna (USA)
Dominique Chailley (France)
Iria Costas (Spain)
Ursula Erhart-Schwertmann, cellist (Austria)
Mme Fabian Gastellier-Hathorn (France)
Timothy Gaspar (USA)
Eso Haapa-Aho (Finland)
Mr. and Mrs. Laszlo Halasz (USA)
Mrs. Roswitha Heintze, conductor/pianist (Austria)
Dr. Klaus Holzapfel (Germany)
Mrs. Patricia Jaeger, violin teacher (USA)
Alexander Jenner, pianist (Austria)
Mrs. Felicitas Karrer, pianist (Austria)
Franz Krahberger (Austria)
Heinrich Köhler, cellist (Germany)
Doris Köhler (Germany)
Yorgos Manessis (Greece)
Bep McQuillan (Netherlands)
Tom Null, former producer of Varèse-Sarabande and Citadel Records
Mrs. Jutta Obrowski (Germany)
David Reskind (USA)
Mrs. Regina Resnik (Italy)
Alex Steinweiss (USA)
Stefanos Theodoridis (Greece)
Mrs. Frieda Valenzi, pianist (Austria)
Dr. Marco J. de Vries (Netherlands)
Mrs. Deborah Yardley Beers, pianist (USA)
...and other important sources.
sellers on the internet ask exorbitantly high prices. Most of the
time these prices are definitely not in relation to the offered quality
of both engineering, performance and historic value. Most
records offered are of course second hand and have usually been played
on simple equipment with a ceramic or crystal cartridge with low compliance,
as was the custom in the nineteen fifties. Therefor the groove is
often damaged. These sellers may also have been inspired by the existence
of The REMINGTON Site, not by love for music, sound judgement and
knowledge (otherwise they would not spell the names of the artists
If the price is high, always ask what the return policy is beforehand.
And: read what the description is. VG ++ is not the same for all sellers.
who submitted
a picture of a cover or of an artist,
a personal recollection, or
one or more details:
Almaviva (Italy)
Mrs. Lynn Amos (USA)
Martyn Adelman (UK)
Anthony Barnett (UK)
Alexandre Bayen (USA)
Herman J. Berkhout (Netherlands)
Dr. John Bertalot, Cathedral Organist Emeritus (UK)
Bryan Bishop (USA)
Tom Bokal (USA)
Brothertown Antiquarian Books (Canada)
Marshall W. Brown (USA)
Peter Brownlee (USA)
Philip Chance(USA)
Richard Clark (USA)
Björn Cloppenburg (Germany)
Mark Conlan (USA)
Herb Depke (USA)
David Diehl, The E_Discographer (USA)
Jean-Paul Ditmarsch (Netherlands)
Mrs. Marta Dobay-Fricsay (Switzerland)
Mrs. Denise Duesterbeck (USA)
Raanan Eylon (Israel)
Claude Fihman (France)
Leslie Gerber (Ireland)
Gary Hal (USA)
Jim Gaudette (USA)
Igor Handel (France)
Alexis Hauser, conductor (Austria)
Markus Hennerfeind (Austria)
Mrs. Laura Homonnay-Demilio (USA)
Frank Jochemsen (Dutch Jazz Archive)
Krassimira Jordan &
Thomas Kreuzberger - Duo Pianists (Austria)
Ivar Kofman (Netherlands)
Mrs. Elaine Kones (USA)
Mike Kremer (USA)
Ewoud Kruseman (Netherlands)
Eric LeBlanc (Canada)
Ernst Lumpe, discographer (Germany)
Jerzy Marczak (USA)
David Mendes (Israel)
Chuck Miller (USA)
Paul Miller (USA)
Jeff Missinne (USA)
Takeshi Miura (Japan)
Joseph Andrew Moore (Spain)
Christian Müller (Switzerland)
Jim Neher (USA)
Marc Nijdam, alto player (Netherlands)
Hamish Pitceathly (UK)
Francis J. Rocca (USA)
Christian and Mauricio Ruiz (Argentina)
Ben Rummigam (Netherlands)
Han Schulte (Netherlands)
Bill Schumacher (USA)
Ted Shuttleworth (USA)
Jon R. Skinner (USA)
Steve Slezak (USA)
Shadrach A. Stanleigh (USA)
Rita Tanguay Bissonnette (USA)
Mark Todd (USA)
Ben Todd-McVey (Canada)
Teri Noel Towe (USA)
Mrs. Francine Trachier (France)
Louis van der Voort (Netherlands)
Mrs. Lory Wallfisch, pianist (USA)
Mrs. Lilianna Welenc (USA)
John Wilbraham (UK)
Westsider Books and Records, New York (USA)
Oliver Wurl (Germany)
Victor Zembruski Jr. (USA)
contribution concerning label, individual releases,
artists, people who worked for it, and even a personal recollection
will be appreciated.